How to Quit Smoking Permanently - thanks to the gift of MrShortcut - Thanks to US Govt Agencies
Common Rationalizations*
Rationalization: I'm under a lot of stress, and smoking relaxes me.
Response: Your body is used to nicotine, so you naturally
feel more relaxed when you give your body a substance upon which it has
grown dependent. But nicotine really is a stimulant; it raises your heart
rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline level. Most ex-smokers feel much less
nervous just a few weeks after quitting.
Rationalization: Smoking makes me more effective in my work.
Response: Trouble concentrating can be a short-term symptom
of quitting, but smoking actually deprives your brain of oxygen.
Rationalization: I've already cut down to a safe level.
Response: Cutting down is a good first step, but there's a
big difference in the benefits to you between smoking a little and not smoking
at all. Besides, smokers who cut back often inhale more often and more deeply,
negating many of the benefits of cutting back. After you've cut back to
about seven cigarettes a day, it's time to set a quit date.
Rationalization: I smoke only safe, low-tar/low-nicotine cigarettes.
Response: These cigarettes still contain harmful substances,
and many smokers who use them inhale more often and more deeply to maintain
their nicotine intake. Also, carbon monoxide intake often increases with
a switch to low-tar cigarettes.
Rationalization: It's too hard to quit. I don't have the willpower.
Response: Quitting and staying away from cigarettes is hard,
but it's not impossible. More than 3 million Americans quit every year.
It's important for you to remember that many people have had to try more
than once, and try more than one method, before they became ex-smokers,
but they have done it, and so can you.
Rationalization: I'm worried about gaining weight.
Response: Most smokers who gain more than 5-10 pounds are
eating more. Gaining weight isn't inevitable. There are certain things you
can do to help keep your weight stable. (See Tips
To Help You Avoid Weight Gain.)
Rationalization: I don't know what to do with my hands.
Response: That's a common complaint among ex-smokers. You
can keep your hands busy in other ways; it's just a matter of getting used
to the change of not holding a cigarette. Try holding something else, such
as a pencil, paper clip, or marble. Practice simply keeping your hands clasped
together. If you're at home, think of all the things you wish you had time
to do, make a list, and consult the list for alternatives to smoking whenever
your hands feel restless.
Rationalization: Sometimes I have an almost irresistible urge to have a
Response: This is a common feeling, especially within the
first 1-3 weeks. The longer you're off cigarettes, the more your urges probably
will come at times when you smoked before, such as when you're drinking
coffee or alcohol or are at a cocktail party where other people are smoking.
These are high-risk situations, and you can help yourself by avoiding them
whenever possible. If you can't avoid them, you can try to visualize in
advance how you'll handle the desire for a cigarette if it arises in those
Rationalization: I blew it. I smoked a cigarette.
Response: Smoking one or a few cigarettes doesn't mean you've
"blown it." It does mean that you have to strengthen your determination
to quit and try againharder. Don't forget that you got through several
days, perhaps even weeks or months, without a cigarette. This shows that
you don't need cigarettes and that you can be a successful quitter.
*Adapted from Clinical Opportunities for Smoking InterventionA Guide for the Busy
Physician. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. NIH Pub. No. 86-2178.
August 1986. |