Mercury is both the most toxic of all non-radioactive metals as well as the most ubiquitous in people. Virtually everyone is guaranteed daily exposure to this toxic metal due to the practice of putting this metal in dental fillings. Some 22 million tons of mercury are put into fillings in America every year. To put the toxicity of mercury in perspective, if a single silver (mercury) filling was removed from a client’s mouth and put in a ten-acre lake, the EPA would have to order a fish advisory for the lake. Fishing, swimming, bathing, boating in that lake would all be off limits.
To remove mercury, the chelators DMPS and DMSA are often used, but both have serious drawbacks.
DMPS has been shown to
cause the following side effects:
auto-reactive T-cells
increases in T-suppressor cells
liver toxicity
kidney damage
stomach ulcers
DMSA has been shown to cause
the following side effects:
bone marrow suppression
increases in tumor necrosis factor
liver toxicity
EDTA can chelate mercury without any of the side effects associated with DMPS and DMSA, just not as quickly. As you can see on the chart on the previous page, EDTA makes a very stable bond with mercury. It was previously thought that EDTA could not remove mercury in vivo. This was believed because it had never been seen to show up in the urine on a provocative EDTA challenge test. This is partially correct. Under most circumstances mercury bound EDTA, will not come out of the urine, but it will come out of the stool (but no one thought to look for it there). You can get mercury bound EDTA to come out in the urine by giving a large amount of EDTA over a short period of time but this is not recommended. The kidneys are very sensitive to mercury, and if your body can get rid of the mercury through the stool, so much the safer. Since mercury is normally detoxified via the colonic route, EDTA suppositories may prove to be more effective than I.V. EDTA chelation for this purpose since the highest concentration of the EDTA in suppositories is being delivered right to the colonic mucosa.
The desire to feed starving people, to eliminate global hunger...
that was the water that fed the seedling of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net of Masters and Millionaires.
Learn more to earn more; learn more to live more and give more.
Please help MrShortcut erase worldwide starvation by clicking on the food buttons. Hot trade for accessing a mega-billion-dollar free website, hm? Welcome to the largest free website in the world, all here for your life.
We haven't seen the best of you yet.
Please shut up and take two really good long deep breaths right now, SLOWLY!!
If you cannot kick the top of your bedroom doorframe in your sixth decade,
be quiet and listen to someone who does, although not as often as before.
Take a good long deep breath. More important than sucking air IN,
of far greater benefit to you is the complete exhalation.
You want to know about PowerGems?
Forget everything else you might learn here.
The more times you empty your lungs completely each day,
the more your brain continues to function with crackling increases.
Yes, you can continue to get brighter and smarter every day of your life,
with this one single most crucial resouirce for your success: reasonably clean oxygen.
It is a promise and a one-conditional guarantee, based exclusively on how many times you use it.
Exhaling completely leaves you out of air, which then leads to a generous deep breath that revives,
while you've just expelled both physical and emotional toxins, more than you have proven to understand.
This is the greatest of all PowerGems, because it's the most guaranteed of all:
The more times you fully FULLY exhale every day, the smarter your brain gets.
There are no exceptions to the rule. This works for the mentally retarded,
this works for those who are brilliantly developed, and most of all,
it absolutely works for you. The brain works better and faster.
Don't be stupid and hyperventilate a hundred times per hour.
Be smart and exhale completely at least once every hour.
Yes, every hour of your life, at least one good breath.
Each and every time you do it, you boost your brain.
Do it for a thousand days and you, too,
will be shattering world records.
Absolutely, doubly guaranteed.
Breathe, child.
PS - Of the few who are smart enough to shut up and breathe in this sixty seconds,
only three of one hundred are predicted to do it far beyond this minute.
One hour from now, you need to do it again, hm? In 22 days, you'll have a habit.
The single healthiest habit of the tens of thousands of habits we can choose to adopt.
The single healthiest habit that any human will ever take, and, oh, yes, it boosts the brain, too.
Never mind the increases to immune system, reaction times, digestive function, skin quality, and more.
Forget all of those benefits, or even that you are absolutely assured of living better longer when you breathe more.
Focus only on the fact that every time you fully exhale, your brain operates better and faster.
The MrShortcut Best-Life Net of Masters and Millionaires,
because even you deserve a fan club.
Another Mister-Shortcut creation for the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and the Natural Healing Method .
The best way to honor anyone that we treasure is to make more of today, helping the helpless.
Until you know the fruits of service, especially anonymous service, wait and hope.