It is hoped you enjoy all of the EyeCandy and SuccessLinks on these 1,000,000 pages. Took me a bit more than 2,000,000 highly-focused minutes, and plenty of the shortcuts described on these 1,000,000 pages. the eyecandy and braincandy are thrown in for fun, and of course for the search engines looking for Masters and Millionaires. Welcome to the MrShortcut Best-Life Net of Masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires. With so many shortcuts available to you to accelerate your results and become a master faster, that's why the MrShortcut Best-Life Net has 1,000,000 plus pages of shortcuts for you. Every single page contains at least one life-changing shortcut that can be used immediately. No exceptions. Sometimes you'll find them between the lines. The only certain things are this: - these are the shortcuts of our role models: champions and millionaires, masters and billionaires -- these shortcuts produce rapidly accelerated results in every human endeavor, from target practice and piano to parenting or sales, The MrShortcut Best-Life Net has wonders for YOU. That you have even gotten here shows you are not a common person. Only seven in one hundred know how to get here... only three of every hundred are smart enough to use more of what they already know. We have proof of the fact that you're above average... you're reading these words!! Way to go! No uncertainty whatsoever in stating that this IS the largest personal website ever built, and is unlikely to be exceeded in human history. 1,000+ separate sites, in pursuit of preserving these gems of wisdom for future generations. As of this writing, there are 471 men and women who own and/or control seventy percent of the world's cash. That's the reason why 24,000 people die every day of starvation and malnutrition. Put a hundred dollars in the bank, not to be touched for two hundred years, then 96 percent of it to be used to feed hungry people. Three percent to banks and lawyers, one percent to be reinvested for another two hundred years. That's it. Change the world, because each hundred dollar bill becomes several billion dollars when you've doubled it every seven years or so, totaling twenty-eight doublings in 200 years. Whew!. Change the world by doing things just a bit differently... with shortcuts... The shortcuts of masters and millionaires who naturally engage in the MrShortcut Best-Life Net. Change the world by changing yourself. The way you spend your minutes is a clear preview of how you are spending your life!!!! How are you spending your minutes today? |