Welcome to the largest and most empowering personal web site in the world, with MrShortcut  

                                  Masters and MrShortcut and his  have won hundreds of web design awards. WoW!   Masters and MrShortcut and his  have won hundreds of web design awards.     Masters and Mil5starawardcess Shortcuts have won more web design awards than any other site on earth.
      The largest network of shortcuts online: Gobs of unique and interactive web pages   - the MrShortcut Best-Life Net - just for you.

Success Shortcuts - Challenging 'Impossibilities'

Impossibilities are overly esteemed, and most often by minds in weaker states, the MrShortcut Best-Life Net invites you to revisit at least one or two of the things in your own life that remain unaccomplished because of alleged impossibilities.

Impossibilities are, for the most part, features and functions directly opposite to, antithetical to, the MrShortcut Best-Life Net. That is because the MrShortcut Best-Life Net proves again and again that impossibilities are indisputably reversible.

Impossibilities are cancelled out by the effective use of shortcuts, and it's worth repeating many times. Impossibilities are often reversible, cancelled out by the greatest shortcuts.

The majority of us are apparently happy enough to act as sheeple, never or rarely ever demonstrating the best they can, the few who take on what is perceived by most to be impossibilities stand out even more. Most men do not dare to ask the most gorgeous women for a date, and that's why the few who do end up with far greater success. It's not magic, and it's not even art. It is nothing less than the science of success, the recipe for the cookies that is immediately duplicable by YOU.

Instead of placing your focus on why you cannot, use the same exact brain energy, happier brain energy at that, to list ways to get it done.

When you recognize this in advance, the finality and apparent immovability of that obstacle, "IMPOSSIBILE!" -- weakens in strength.

When we recognize that impossiblities are indisputably reversible, cancelled by the use of effective shortcuts, the size of the word shrinks, the enormity of the concepts we all associate with putative impossibilities is no longer a size too great for us to manage. This is power for you to tap into at any time, and not least because the majority of people are simply too cowardly to face up to a word as influential as "impossibilities."

Remember when you were a kid, and your parents, a relative, or perhaps a favorite elderly neighbor told you, "Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it?"

It's taken quite some time to think of something substantial that is actually impossible:
It's impossible to learn less about anything.

No matter how hard we might try, we cannot learn less about how to raise our children; do our jobs, expand our vocabularies; or any other area of human endeavor. So why are most of us so unwilling to reach for an instruction manual, or a magazine that addresses a particular area, or to ask for help\advice from someone who is already better at it than we are? Let's be honest: Are all of us that happy with our performance levels? Vince Lombardi used to say,
"The quality of our lives is in direct proportion to our commitment to excellence -- regardless of our field of endeavor."  

Pat Riley has been repeatedly described as the most winning coach in NBA history. After barely losing the 1986 World Championship to the Boston Celtics, the Lakers hired Pat to be the team's coach. The players felt that they'd given their best, & had squeezed out every last ounce of effort... yet had lost anyway. Pat's response? "Gentlemen, there are, as you know, five major areas of basketball play. Can each of you, superstars that you are, at superstar salaries, commit to increasing your performance just ONE percent in each of these five areas?" They agreed this was a reasonable goal for 12 of the world's greatest basketball players.

Mr. Riley noted that each player improving just 1% in each of the 5 areas would result in 12 men becoming 60% more effective as a team... and since 1% is such a tiny increase, you'd be correct in guessing that the actual improvement of each player was more than 1%: Every man on the team increased 5 to 50% in each area!! At the end of that victorious season, the new World Champions claimed it was their easiest year in memory. What's really powerful is the fact that, nearly 10 years later, Pat Riley decided to create a similar environment with the Miami Heat basketball team: and they began to respond almost instantly by winning more games!

Are you satisfied with your performance in all major areas of your life? Is your happiness, and that of your loved ones, worth 15 minutes out of a lifetime?

Today is the best possible day for you to take a couple of blank sheets of paper, and creating columns on the paper, for these areas:

Physical Health
Financial Health
Social Life

Under each of these headings, produce just 10 suggestions for improving your performance and satisfaction in each area. Along with your ideas, ask someone who IS doing better than you in that particular area. Obviously, they're doing something right, and in most cases, they will be pleased that you think enough of them to ask; and will be happy to help... BUT DO IT TODAY !!!!

An astonishing total of eighty-four different banks turned down Walter's idea of creating an animated feature before the main feature in movie theaters across the country. How impressive that he didn't stop after 4 banks turned him down, or even 40 banks, or 70 banks.Think about it. Eighty-four banks turned him down. What courage he had not to stop at forty banks, or, as with most people, even one or two banks. A total of eighty-four banks exercised their power to say "NO!"... and yet he kept on going.

The eighty-fifth bank he went to agreed to lend him fifteen hundred dollars, and he changed his puppet's name from Steamboat Willie to Mickey Mouse... and moved right into history. Walt Disney simply refused to quit.

There are tapes, books, movies, magazines, and more.... aimed at helping you to help yourself and those you care for. Friends, you can't possibly learn less about how topromote/increase your performance or your personal satisfaction in literally ANY area of your life. And since you and I will only have one go-round on the road of Life, aren't we... aren't YOU... worth at least a touch of excellence?

Henry Ford:
"I'm looking for people who are ignorant of what can't be done."

I assure you: excellence cannot occur accidentally;
it's all about a bit of aptitude, & a whole bunch of attitude.

Keep in mind that attitude more than aptitude
ultimately determines your Altitude.

Impossibilities Versus The MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method

Shapelinks Bring Interactive EyeCandy Fun To The MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method

Megatruths.com - If developing great wealth is your goal, you need the wealth fact. MrShortcut Best-Life Net assures you that this is the greatest wealth fact of all time

Shortcut.name - In referring to the MrShortcut Best-Life Net, shortcuts IS the name of the game, the game of life, personified and vivified by YOUR MrShortcut Best-Life Net
Shortcut.ws - Such as sweet domain and sweeter website - surely the shortcut capital of the internet, since we know one shortcut can be YOUR big acceleration shortcut
Shortcuts.me - When embracing the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method with fullest ardor, shortcuts do become me - delightful one-word domain
Shortcuts.me.uk - Demonstrating that great shortcuts are universal, from the UK to every other place where the MrShortcut Best-Life Net is adopted - embraced
Shortcuts.name - Godfather of EyeCandy, Godfather of Shortcuts - surely the MrShortcut Best-Life Net is inclined toward this domain as its one true name
Shortcuts.ws - Premium one-word domain that gladdens the heart of your host, the MrShortcut Best-Life Net of masters, millionaires, champions

UniversalShortcuts.com - Masters and millionaires practice universal shortcuts. Imitate their actions to imitate their universal results.

TotalWinning.com - Daily and repeated use of universal shortcuts is the fastest path to total winning. Absorb even one new shortcut, now.

Shapetalk From MrShortcut Best-Life Net Shapetalk Collection - PowerGems Delivered Wrapped In EyeCandy

Imitate the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, to live your own MrShortcut Best-Life Net
Best-Shortcuts.com - Masters and Millionaires obsessively use the best shortcuts in applying and living their own version of MrShortcut Best-Life Net
BestShortcuts.com - Champions and billionaires live and use the same best shortcuts of masters and millionaires in THEIR MrShortcut Best-Life Net

Great-Shortcuts.com - Masters and Millionaires Use Great Shortcuts, shortcuts called PowerGems by the MrShortcut Best-Life Net for self-empowerment
GreatShortcuts.com - Most great human achievements, if not all, present everyone else's efforts with great shortcuts that work approximately every time

Success sustained cannot be repeated nor even initiated accidentally. The MrShortcut Best-Life Net is about using more shortcuts that work

OneShortcut.com - Engaging the best of your MrShortcut Best-Life Net is most often just one shortcut away from where you are now - succeed faster
Shapetalk.com - First domain to introduce an entire website of Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method
Shapetalk.info - Shortcuts for excellence - Master secrets of the universe for your self-empowerment by the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method
Shapetalk.net - Third in the series of Shapetalk websites. Learn these master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net
Shapetalker.com - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,000 precious, irreplaceable seconds to be your MrShortcut Best-Life Net Shapetalker
Shapetalking.com - The Godfather of Shortcuts is YOUR MrShortcut Best-Life Net Shapetalker, delivering PowerGems - the world's greatest wisdom - in EyeCandy Shapetalk
Shapetalking.info - Admixture of PowerGems wisdom and EyeCandy is where the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method bring you into the world of Shapetalking
Shapetalks.com - Collection of wisdom-rich Shapetalks. EyeCandy presentations of the PowerGems that constitute the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method

OneShortcut.com -   OneShortcut Is A MrShortcut Best-Life Net Keyword
DoctorShortcut.com -   DoctorShortcut Secrets Of Masters And Millionaires
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Your Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts Delivers The Best in Self-Empowerment Shapetalk

Shortcuts Of Masters and Millionaires Empower You To Empower Yourself More Efficiently

MrShortcut.net -   MrShortcut - Another Delicious MrShortcut Self-Empowerment Site
MrShortcut.org -   MrShortcut Shares MrShortcut Best-Life Net-Level of Greatest Shortcuts
1Shortcut.com -   In Life, 1Shortcut Can Be Enough - Thus A MrShortcut Best-Life Net PowerGem
Shortcut.ws -   Shortcut after shortcut in your own perception of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net
Shortcuts.Me -   Shortcuts At And From The MrShortcut Best-Life Net Are Me... with sharing
Mr-Shortcut.com -   Mr-Shortcut - MrShortcut Best-Life Net Self-Empowerment Shapetalk
Mr-Shortcut.net -   Mr-Shortcut EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom

There is a voice inside of you that constitutes the Natural Healing Method. Listen! Learn!
Dr-Shortcut Pushes You To Help And Heal Yourself Rapidly As Per The Natural Healing Method

MrShortcut.US -   MrShortcut On Self-Empowerment With The Best Shortcuts Known To Or Shared With Humankind
Shortcut.name -   The aims of these interconnected networks are PowerGems - shapetalk to every name
Great-Shapetalk.com -   Great-Shapetalk Of Masters And Millionares
MisterShortcut.US -   MisterShortcut Has Your Self-Empowering Secrets
Healthiest.ws -   Healthiest Websites Presenting Your Healthiest PowerGems
Healthiest-Website.net -   Healthiest Websites Ala Natural Healing Method

1Shortcut.com - 1Shortcut into YOUR MrShortcut Best-Life Net

S.hortcuts.com -   quite conceivably the most delicious PRE-TLD of all time, where hortcuts developed into www.S.hortcuts.com

Success-Shortcuts.net -   Success Shapetalk Network Of Masters And Millionaires

MisterShortcut.com - MisterShortcut EyeCandy WebSite - (EyeCandy Requires IE, et alia) 
1xx0.com -   What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain - could be for sale
Regulata.com -  Regulata Is The Rule - so buy THIS brandable sweetdomain
Shapetalk.com - - MrShortcut Best-Life Net Shapetalk Capital 
Shortcuts.name -   Shapetalk ARE My Name Thanks To The MrShortcut Best-Life Net

Domainizing and domaineering is one of at least a thousands pathways to developing your wealth,
where concepts of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method sans internecine conflict,
combine to help people to earn money in the still-nascent world of the domainist, domainizer, domaineer.

Self-reliance regarding your income is a potent shortcut, utile through many facets of your MrShortcut Best-Life Net.

You are neither being advised, nor urged by the MrShortcut Best-Life Net to quit your day (or night) job, not even close.
What the MrShortcut Best-Life Net DOES insist you can make adjustments in are the other discretionary minutes of your day.
For example, investing 14.4 minutes per day into your future is not exactly an onerous burden on your current schedule, most likely.
Based on that, the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method, too, recommend investing in yourself, less spending.
The expenditure of time draws a considerably greater cost than the outflowing expense of money, for time is worth more.
So, whether repairing the autos of neighbors or domainizing, domaineering in the world of domainists, reach for yours.
There is a corner of excellence and profit that already has your name deeply engraved in it, awaiting your choice.
The difference between choosing a repetition of yesterday or an even-moderate increase in your efforts...
inevitably illumines the difference between owning the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and being disowned.

Own your own MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method, regarding domains, et alia.

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MrShortcut on Great Shortcuts - the best shortcuts of all time

MrShortcut went and built for you what may count as the world's biggest website.
It was done, as you might expect, with shortcuts, although it's still astonishing that he created
more than five hundred different unique versions... of each one of five thousand of his best essays,
with hundreds of other essays and chapters for which there are only a hundred or so different versions of each.

You have hugely untapped resources inside of you, and all around you.   That's why we're here.
The goal of Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts, the goal of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net,
is no more complicated than you tapping just a bit more into the resources at your immediate disposal;
the resources that empowered masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires...   to get to the top of their ladders.

Now it's your turn.     Let's go for yours.  

The more we learn, the more we tend to live, and the more we tend to give.   Again, let's go for yours.

Never, ever, EVER let a day go by without grabbing at least one or two of your daily tasks,
treating it as an opportunity to produce at world-class,
and you are guaranteed to see larger results, quickly.
Make the most of your best shortcuts to success.
The fruits are as close as the shortcuts.
Learn to see more between the lines;
+- some PowerGems are concealed.
Welcome. Step up and swing.
With your mind in mind,
Mister_Shortcut with 1,000,000-plus web pages - for YOU!

© EasyStreet, USA by Mr_Shortcut - MrShortcut
   All rights do get reserved for the people who take profit to feed those who can't feed themselves.

Feel free to cruise through this smattering of a million and more pages created by MrShortcuts -- in hope of YOU asking a bit more of life today; asking more of yourself today; and asking more of others.


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