Medicardium - Chelation Therapy - EDTA
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The biochemical effects of oxygen deficiency

     When fuel is burned inside of the mitochondria, energy, water and carbon dioxide are produced.  When there is insufficient oxygen for the combustion of fuel, lactic acid is produces, and carbon dioxide and water are not produced.  This article will discuss the consequence of insufficient oxygen on the metabolism.  

Lactic acid

     The first step in energy production in the cell is the breaking down of fuel into smaller pieces.  This step requires no oxygen, and is responsible for 5% of our energy production.   If there is sufficient oxygen available to the system, the next step is the oxidation of these smaller fuel pieces yielding the remaining 95% of our oxygen requirements.  If however there is insufficient oxygen for this process to take place, then the body is limited to 5% of it's energy potential and lactic acid is generated for the unburned fuel.  Lactic acid has three main negative effects in the body.  First, lactic acid causes the acidification of the tissues of the body.  Secondly, lactic acid requires oxygen for it's metabolism, so the lactic acid in the body represents an oxygen debt that must be paid for, usually in a body already low in oxygen.  This debt is usually paid for by the liver, so lactic acid causes liver hypoxia.  Oxygen is an extremely important cofactor in many detoxification pathways in the liver, so lactic acid also impairs the liver's detoxification ability.  Thirdly, lactic acid is know to increase anxiety levels (injected lactic acid can precipitate a panic attack).     Thus, insufficient oxygen, and it's corollary increase in lactic acid has several negative biochemical outcomes.

Insufficient energy production

     Insufficient oxygen limits the body to 5% of it's potential energy production.  The global consequences of this are obvious,  such as fatigue, and diminished atp, but indirectly, it also means weight gain and/or increased blood sugar should fat production by inefficient since the unburned fuel must be sequestered if it cannot be combusted

Insufficient cellular water

As we age, our bodes go from 80% hydration to 50% hydration.  Why can't we simply drink more water to make up for this loss?  The reason is that it is our cellular water that is being lost as we age.  Cellular water is produced by the burning of carbohydrates (sugars) with oxygen yielding carbon dioxide and water.  Thus, insufficient oxygen means insufficient cellular water.  The effects of dehydration on the body will not be discussed here.  For a thorough study o the effects of dehydration, please read "Your body's many cries for water" by F. Batmanghelidj M.D.

Insufficient carbon dioxide

The final consequence of low oxygen is insufficient carbon dioxide production.  While considered by many to be a waste gas, carbon dioxide is actually a hormone on par with NO (nitrous oxide) another gaseous hormone.  Carbon dioxide is required for the relaxation of smooth muscle cells and maintaining the correct sensitivity for nerve cells.  An insufficiency of carbon dioxide will cause smooth muscle cells to contract and nerve cells to fire excessively.   Carbon dioxide is also required for the efficient delivery of oxygen to the tissues.

Smooth muscle cells

Smooth muscle cells are found in all parts of the body.  Here are some examples of their locations as well as the symptoms they would create

Smooth muscle cells in the circulator system--Headaches, strokes, angina heart attacks, cold hands and feet and high blood pressure

In the throat- choking

In the vocal cords - speech difficulties

 In the stomach- gastric reflux

In the intestines - irritable bowel syndrome and constipation

In the gall bladder- gall stones

In the lungs- asthma

In the male reproductive organ- impotence

The bladder- incontinence

In the face- wrinkles (hence the use of Botox to relax facial muscles and reduce wrinkle appearance)

     One quick test to determine the level smooth muscle contraction is to put a blood pressure cuff around the calf muscle.  Inflate slowly and find the pressure at which the muscle is uncomfortable.  This value should be over 250.  The lower the value, the more tense the muscles.  If this number is below 120, the client may be at risk for a sudden heart attack.  This is because cramps in the heart (angina) play a major  role in heart attacks.  The majority of fatal heart attacks do not on postmortem examination reveal blockages of the coronary arteries sufficient to explain the heart attack.  It is the "cramping" of the heart muscle that triggers the fatal attack.

Excessive nerve firing

Insufficient carbon dioxide will also cause nerves to fire excessively which can result in:

epilepsy, stuttering, anxiety, obsessive compulsion, ADD-ADHD, muscle tension, tremors and tics, chronic pain and premature ejaculation.

Oxy-hemoglobin disassociation curve

     Insufficient carbon dioxide also shifts the oxy-hemoglobin disassociation curve making the transport and delivery of oxygen less efficient, further decreasing carbon dioxide in turn


     Most clients present with acceptable levels of oxygen in their blood, yet still have the clinical symptoms of hypoxia.  This is because it is the delivery of the oxygen that is to blame.  In this way, chelation helps to increase the deliverable oxygen to the body thereby relieving the host of secondary manifestations that it products.  Magnesium di-potassium EDTA-potassium EDTA suppositories have shown to increase blood carbon dioxide levels on average 3 points in 10 days.



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