Biosyntony Program Overview
Influence electromagnetic technologives
Principles of the mechanics of the swirling natural waves. Creation and use of the vortices. The concept Os-blood-lymph: Work on our three fundamental states: Os, Blood and the Lymph and their component symbolic system,
the synchronization of the biological clocks: Resonances SCHUMANN and waves Alpha, geomagnetic Network Hartmann
Properties of the points and the cardinal axes and the positions: lengthened, sitting, upright
Dynamic Music effect of SONOLYS: Action of the music and the sound on the cell: cellular synchronization.
Experimentation of 18 Vortices or centers of energy, which manage the physical structures, energy and psychic starting from the body of vitality.
Technique of Mandalas made up of medallions.
The mandalas make it possible to manage energy in the meridian lines of the body and to optimize the regulations. they are particularly adapted to psychotherapeutic work and of Personal Development.
Technique of balancing of the basin and the architecture of the skeleton.
Rebalancing of energives between the top and bottom, techniques of cleaning and fast regeneration.
Biosyntonie - What we do not know calls for our mental flexibility. Help yourself at the largest naturopathic website on the internet, where the most natural thing is - healing naturally, of course
BioSyntonie 1 |
BioSyntonie II |
BioSyntonie V |
BioSyntonie VI |
BioSyntonie Overview
Ayurvedic Medicine
Acoustic Cardiograph
Stress I
Common Cold
BodyScan Newspaper Article I
Rife Technology
Doctors II
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine II
Natural Pain Relief Breath of Life
Pain Relief
Masters and Millionaires
Bodyscan Article II
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory
YOUR Medical Dollars
Flower Essence Therapy Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II
Oxygen Therapy
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