The MrShortcut Best-Life Net of High Achievers and Champions
Approximately 1 in 20 serious ballerinas makes it to "the top." The MrShortcut Best-Life Net holds out hope that you do understand that this is not a coincidence. That's interesting because approximately one in every 20 serious ball players, politicians, actors, etc., make it to the top. No coincidence: they are each and all very intentionally making use of the same ingredients,which are the identical ingredients that make up all PowerGems: the !
You will find this is strikingly similar with astronauts, corporate executives, would-be and actual millionaires; concentration camp survivors, former POWs, television announcers, teachers, medical specialists, jurists, salespeople, presidential contenders, entertainers, and artists: one in twenty make it to the top specifically because they use virtually identical shortcuts and attitudes. It's illogical to think there's no connection here.
Time and again we see about five in every one hundred people achieving true excellence. There must be a thread here. That's why I invested thousands of hours seeking and studying the names & stories behind one thousand unusually successful people who had screwed up in a big way or had been dealt an unfair blow on a large scale. I searched for these people on a full-time basis for four years, and then five, and I continue this search years later.
Scrutiny of these people demonstrated a number of distinct commonalties. When it became clear that there were only a few common, persistent traits seen in 100 percent of these people, the search extended. Over five thousand case histories were studied; criteria for eligibility was simple:
1) multiple major losses/failures. 2) three or more demonstrations of unusual success.
To someone keenly, KEENLY interested in the subject, you can imagine the thrill of, for example, personally asking two to three thousand corporate & institutional leaders, including hundreds of self-made millionaires what they attributed their success to.
Examining data from and about the world's greatest legal scholars, guitarists, athletes, artists, prime ministers and surgeons, opera stars and billionaires, the pages grow into the thousands and thousands. When you get to break bread with them or interview them at length, even by phone or email, patterns emerge that are perfectly undeniable, having used so many of them successfully from scratch.
Are there "magical shortcuts?" Are there powerful secrets to success? Common traits were indeed present in one after another of these role models and champions, traits that deserve description as "power shortcuts" - or PowerGems - because there is no doubt that you will find out for yourself how powerfully, effectively, and repeatedly they work, no matter where you apply them.
PowerGems pay off repeatedlty, with the confidence that comes of possessing and using anything that is assured of performing reliably. When a trick or a method or a shortcut works once, it's nice. When it works twice, you have a pattern, and that means you get the opportunity to use it on purpose as and when you will. .
You can fairly call this "living intentionally," rather than living as most people do, via other people's intentions. Hourly work is fine... as long as you're using it as a tool, using it as a road and direction, to get you closer to where you most want to be.
Living by intentions that are yours rather than someone else's provides a set of physical and emotional and financial feelings that you'll soon be getting hooked on. these feelings appear just about as often as you command them, because whereever you are at a given moment, you got there on purpose.... YOUR purpose and not someone else's.
My instinct throughout this learning process was to apply some of these so-called magical secrets of success in my own life, and then relate the results.
The results have considerably exceeded what my observers, both critics and supporters expected. Medically, financially, emotionally, career-wise, musically, & in other areas where I personally applied these techniques, they worked. Will they work for you? Whether you believe they will work or not, you're quite right. As Henry Ford put it, "People who say they can, and people who say they cannot… are absolutely right."
A month from now, you’ll understand that statement more than you think you do at this moment. Every piece of human wisdom contains more than one meaning, more than one distinction of value.
The vast majority of us rarely look beyond the surface meaning to glean the life-changing powers found within wise statements. With not a single exception, the people who look deeper into a meaning, and then apply these rules, win... consistently and repeatedly.
If you're the impatient type and want magical changes to happen in days, relax. Your wish will be granted. Within 24 hours of applying these rules, you will see changes in your life, and that's unconditionally guaranteed; I’d bet everything you own on it. Some of you are a little bit smarter than others, because you seem better skilled at simply ‘shutting up & giving it just 100 tries with all your heart & soul." Life, science, & history have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that 99 of every 100 people are smart enough to understand the power shortcuts to excellence, yet 90+ percent of us are too profoundly stupid to actually use the resources we already have at our disposal.
Once again you think you understood what you just read. If you DID actually understand that, you’d now be in the top 10% of everything you do, wouldn't you? If you’re capable of simply closing your mouth, turning off your disbelief, you can have magic in your life, and rather quickly. How else can you explain my being a "consistent screwup" then suddenly, within a period of 30 months, having a dozen childhood dreams come true; from overcoming the worst consequences of a 100+ MPH collision, playing lead guitar at fantastic speed, doubling my income three separate times in 28 months, breaking or shattering 177 sales records, learning the basics of four new languages, giving away more money than I used to earn, writing a hundred newspaper columns, appearing on radio to instant response (hundreds of calls came in each time)… and so much more? I'd been a loser’s loser for thirty years.
MisterShortcut was able to create and shape a better life by studying and interacting with 5,200 supersuccessful people, observing commonalties, breaking them into simple plain English for you and I, and applying them to so many different areas of human endeavor, just as you can, just as you should, just as you will when your focus gets sharper. Focus is a choice. Ballerinas and bartenders, biochemists... and you, too: all choosing to focus more.
The results have been gratifying. Magic shortcuts. The shortcuts used by Masters and Millionaires. You possess them. You can use them in the next 60 minutes of your life. Hardly more than 10 of every 100 people who read these words will take at least the first few steps of this concept on INSTANT RESULTS. No more than seven of every 100 who read these words will become masters or millionaires. Those few of you who really, REALLY want your dream to come true, you'll be seeing observable, measurable improvement in several areas of your life within these first few days of thinking more affirmatively, of believing in yourself as much as I believe in you.
This is dedicated to the few in every one hundred who fit Albert Einstein's definition of genius: the ability to take an infinite number of pains an infinite number of times.As in Babe Ruth not being annoyed that he struck out twice for every home run he hit... which is how he became the Home Run King for half a century.
Or Thomas Alva Edison, with one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven patented inventions, generating more profit than any other inventor (he also lost many millions on many other experiments, earning himself a second title, "Most Unsuccessful Inventor in History" as well as being "Most Successful Inventor in History.)" Good thing he didn't quit after his, get this, his ten thousandth strikeout at one particular invention... because he ended up making a pile of money on his finally successful electric light bulb.
You're about to tap into incredible powers, powers that will enable you to take many shortcuts to achieving or obtaining the things you most want. Be certain of this: before you celebrate two more birthdays from this reading, you will turn at least one of your dreams into factual reality, or else you will accomplish more towards that dream than you have in all the years of your life added together up until now... and I'll tell you what: if you’re ballsy enough, hungry enough, to suspend your disbelief for just a few days, you can achieve more in the next 100 days towards your lifetime dreams than you’ve accomplished in total your entire life. |
The most successful people in history, including many in our own time, definitely display certain common traits and shortcuts. They’re far easier for you to use than you may realize. Please remember, they are coming from the horse’s mouth.
As you are about to find out, they are very, very powerful... when they are put to use. Determining which of you are in the 95% and which are in the 5% is very easy; and YOU will provide the proof.
There's no huge leap of credibility to propose that eight, maybe even nine of every ten bright humans who ingest these words and sentences will start either tomorrow morning at first light, or as soon as the next door neighbor's kid's teacher's brother-in-law.... well, you know the rest. Those in the 5% will begin this program before next sleep.
It’s consistently true: Stupid people do it tomorrow, smart people do it today. If there is one commonality above all others that is common in every single one of these people it is the simple fact of: tapping into the power of "NOW." Period. You think you understand this, but if you did, you'd be doing better, wouldn't you?
You will literally determine the future of your life by what you do in the next 60 seconds, in the next 60 minutes, in the next 60 days, starting with today’s date. You see, the way I spend my minutes on this _________ day of _________ is a clear preview of how I am spending my life. Yours too!!! That’s why I am certain that I can predict YOUR future... based on what you actually DO in the next 24 hours! |
100% of the people who read this are smart enough to see value here. Only seven of every one hundred are smart enough to actually fill in the date (above) & begin answering these questions in the next 100 seconds. I unconditionally guarantee that those few of you who are smart enough to fill in the blanks right now... will see big changes in the next 3 to 7 days, by tapping into the huge power of "NOW." Prove me right or wrong....with deeds, NOT WORDS.
It should be no surprise to you that only one in twenty would-be ballerinas actually makes the cut, just as it is with baseball players, politicians, teachers, scientists, and every other group of human beings. Five out of every one hundred are, simply enough, so hungry for their dream that they're willing to understand why they have two eyes, one mouth; two ears, one mouth. The only limitations we humans really have are the limitations we place on ourselves. Go ahead, dream a bigger, better dream. Look for those who are already living it, and take the greatest shortcut of them all: try exactly as they try; speak as they speak. You will produce as they do.
Just as it was yesterday, today is the most powerful day of your life. This is the day where, as we can observe in your yesterday, and shall in your tomorrow, what you do speaks so loudly we can't hear a word you're saying.
Go find a ballerina or a baseball player; a teacher or a superstar in the field of sales.
Go speak to a world-class mother or grandmother; find an honest politician to interview. Look for the people who are already succeeding at what you wish to be great at. Interview them, take them to lunch, or just write an admiring letter asking for their help. You might be surprised to find that many true superstars and champions are happy and honored that you'd choose them for a mentor.
Trial and error was all well and good for them. Why shouldn't you benefit from their years of toil and sweat? With the information highway getting wider and deeper, isn't it time for you to tap that enormous potential inside of you, just waiting to leap out and show the world what you're capable of? Please, don't tell us; show us. Most importantly, show yourself. It's your turn, hm?
It only takes a few minutes to write a letter saying, "Hi, we both know you're one of the best at what you do. I'd like my contribution to the world to be patterned after your own excellence and success. Would you be my mentor for just 30 minutes? I'm sure it would help me to make a positive difference on the World Wide Web."
There are a hundred ways to write to them briefly, and powerfully. Use your imagination and desire. The internet or local library can provide you with addresses and/or email addresses for thousands and thousands of world-class masters. You will assuredly be surprised at how many of them respond affirmatively.
As always, your results in life are less connected to what you know... ... and far more connected to what you DO with what you know, hm?
MrShortcut on Great Shortcuts - the best shortcuts of all time
MrShortcut went and built for you what may count as the world's biggest website. It was done, as you might expect, with shortcuts, although it's still astonishing that he created more than five hundred different unique versions... of each one of five thousand of his best essays, with hundreds of other essays and chapters for which there are only a hundred or so different versions of each.
You have hugely untapped resources inside of you, and all around you. That's why we're here. The goal of Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts, the goal of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net, is no more complicated than you tapping just a bit more into the resources at your immediate disposal; the resources that empowered masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires... to get to the top of their ladders.
Now it's your turn. Let's go for yours.
The more we learn, the more we tend to live, and the more we tend to give. Again, let's go for yours.
Never, ever, EVER let a day go by without grabbing at least one or two of your daily tasks,
treating it as an opportunity to produce at world-class,
and you are guaranteed to see larger results, quickly.
Make the most of your best shortcuts to success.
The fruits are as close as the shortcuts.
Learn to see more between the lines; +-
some PowerGems are concealed.
Welcome. Step up and swing.
With your mind in mind,
with pages
Special hurrays to Paul Newman, whose position as superstar actor took a back seat to his position as the brains behind Newman's Own, a food company which has given EVERY dime of profit to feed hungry people for some quarter of a century. What an amazing man is Paul Newman!
the MrShortcut Best-Life Net of Masters and Champions
Welcome to the world's largest self-empowerment site, aimed at helping you to help yourself, that you may help the helpless. This is the MrShortcut Best-Life Net of Masters and Millionaires
Without having to be a "goody-two-shoes," you can easily learn that giving more means getting more.
Newton's third law of physics is not about to let you down, it is among the master secrets of the universe.
What goes around must come around. What goes up, must come down. The more you give, the more you get.
Your simultaneous embrace of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method principles and secrets,
when simply repeated again and again, produces results
you may hardly even have begun to imagine or dream of.
Counting millions of unique pages invested into the MrShortcut Best-Life Net, Natural Healing Method, etc.,
even the dull among us can grasp that the best hammer in the world bangs no nails when the hammer is on the shelf.
Only when we pick up and use our tools, the tools we already have access to as well as new tools, and use them again and again,
can we know the joys of the highest levels of the MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method, with health and wealth galore.
The MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method are a good bit larger than any ten humans could hope to read in their lifetimes.
Each of these millions of unique pages are rich with useful content, often hidden right in plain sight... and in plain site. Find your PowerGems.
NOTE: On millions of MrShortcut Best-Life Net & Natural Healing Method (et al) pages, tapping an upper- or lower-case key extends your journey.
The MrShortcut Best-Life Net and Natural Healing Method are the first & maybe only websites to use every character on your keyboard.
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The MrShortcut Best-Life Net is your top-notch source for self-empowerment shortcuts, with
the Godfather of EyeCandy, for YOU. These potent secrets prove to be the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and certainly YOUR
shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the MrShortcut Best-Life Net is here for your life. Shortcuts unlock most every venue in life, with training, and use of the PowerGems most of all. Ballerinas may be this, ballerinas may be that, & still, ballerinas personify excellence. Use the same shortcuts used by prima ballerinas, and see your results shine.