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    Impressive Testimonials for Bodyscans - Accurate Biofeedback Information


Several months ago, my soul mate, best dog friend and precious golden retriever was diagnosed with bone cancer.  Needless to say this was devastating for me, since we had been together only a short 10 years.  It seemed impossible that this soul trapped in a dog's body was ready to depart.  In preparing for his impending death, Brandon and I spent several days together.  We planned the euthanasia together, and I thought he said he was ready to go.

Since supporting his health through good diet was no longer important, I went to Wendy's and bought two double cheeseburgers.  Brandon and I went to the park, and he scarfed them down.  (He sorted out the pickles, though)  Soon, a squirrel began to taunt Brandon.  To my shock, Brandon got up and ran after the beast with more vigor than I has seen in weeks.  Brandon began to look alive.  We talked, and decided that it wasn't time to go.  This didn't make sense, since bone cancer spreads with unmerciful speed, and is extremely painful.  How could it just go away?

Knowing that dogs know nothing about negative judgments, I contacted Mel Bickling to see if Brandon might be a candidate for a bioscan.  Soon Brandon and Mel began a partnership that has been a beautiful thing to watch.  Mel created some remedies for Brandon, and since that first scan, Brandon has become an active, vibrant and joyful dog.  When Brandon began to take the remedies, he had instant and dramatic improvement.  It is now seven months since the cheeseburgers, and Brandon continues to move towards health.  Although I believe it is completely his choice as to when he leaves this physical form, at this moment, he is opting for life.

I, too am a veteran of the bioscan.  And each time I get one, a little voice goes in my head that suggests this in not real.  (Eough my health always improves.)  Brandon doesn't like such things, and is just open to possibility.  It seems that he has created some great possibilities, since he now is lying by my feet, dreaming of cats being tied to fire plugs.

One day, Brandon will transition into another way of being.  But for now, he is the greatest testimonial that I know of for the benefits and opportunities that the bioscan offers.


BioSyntony  |  BioSyntony 4  |  BioSyntony 4  |  BioSyntony 5 | 
Ayurvedic Medicine   |  Acoustic Cardiograph   |  Harmony   |  Bodyscan2010       Stress I   |  Chiropractic
Common Cold   |  BodyScan Newspaper Article I   |  Rife Technology  |  Doctors   |  Doctors II   |  E.M.I.
Health   |  Health2   |  Herbal Medicine   |  Herbal Medicine II   |  Index  |  Natural Pain Relief
Breath of Life   |  Pain Relief   |  Masters and Millionaires   |  Bodyscan Article II   |  Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory   |  YOUR Medical Dollars   |  Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy   |  Naturopathic Medicine   |  Naturopathy II   |  Nutri-Spec
Oregano   |  Oxygen Therapy   |  Contents   |  QXCI   |  Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
NUTRI-SPEC   |  Psoriasis  |  Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Chelation Therapy   |  Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour

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In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, herein known as MisterShortcut
No thanks could suffice for the inspiration of Paul Newman,
gradually and with determination earning many tens of millions of dollars,
then using those dollars to feed starving people in countries all around the world.
What a purely class act.   If and when I ever grow up, Paul Newman will be my role model:
master, millionaire, and champion -- that's worth more than all the billionaires I know, and that's quite a few.